Alternate routes for the transfer of emergency health information


  • Noramay McGruer Dalhousie University


Social media have created new ways for non-professionals to access, share, and even create health related information. While these new resources have been noted to destabilize the authority held by medical professionals, they also highlight the potential utility in the medical field of non-professinoal peer collaboration and support. In light of this evolution, the roles of health information professionals have expanded to assisting users in evaluating information from an ever-increasing variety of sources, as well as providing information themselves. The conclusion calls for further research into the opportunities afforded by peer-generated and -communicated contributions to health information.

Author Biography

Noramay McGruer, Dalhousie University

Noramay McGruer is a first year MLIS student from St. John‘s, Newfoundland, currently employed as a circulation desk assistant at the Killam Memorial Library. She received a Bachelor‘s degree in English Literature from Memorial University, presenting a paper at the AAUEC in the final year of that degree. Nora is interested in health science librarianship, special libraries and collections, and the role of active engagement in the dissemination and acceptance of information. This paper was originally written for the Fall 2015 course “Information in Society,” taught by Dr. Lori McCay-Peet.


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