Dutcher's Impact: Wolastioqiyik Lintuwakonawa as a Case Study for the role of Music in Preserving Traditional Knowledge
Knowledge Management, Music, Language, Traditional Knowledge, Jeremy DutcherAbstract
Knowledge Management is a diverse field of study, dealing in the facilitation of knowledge sharing, the creation of knowledge systems, knowledge transfer, and knowledge preservation. Information professionals play an important role in helping these processes happen. Equally important is the preservation of Traditional Knowledge. Recognized as the knowledge Indigenous people have accrued over millennia, and formed through their interactions with their environment, Traditional Knowledge and its preservation also fall into the world of Knowledge Management. The performance of a piece of music is the manifestation of knowledge and, in the case of Jeremy Dutcher, is a form of knowledge preservation. Traditional Knowledge‘s more fluid and dynamic nature is preserved in Dutcher‘s 2018 album Wolastioqiyik Lintuwakonawa, where the artist creates a conversation between technical skill and the knowledge and language of the album. In the case of this paper, Dutcher‘s album serves as an example of the way Traditional Knowledge can impact and provide new tools to the information profession and world of Knowledge Management.
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